
Samyoung Unitech is Korea’s top producer of medical diagnostic
and therapeutic radioisotopes and related equipment (FDG synthesizers and hot cells).
We understand the importance of quality, stability and timeliness in nuclear medicine. Doctors and patients require products that consistently arrive on time and match a stringent set of specifications for safe operability and use. We have made it our top priority over the past 20 years to incorporate these traits into our business and build a diverse network of domestic and foreign partners capable of reacting swiftly to global supply fluctuations.
Significant improvements to our product quality and reliable delivery have allowed to become increasingly competitive in this complex industry. Subsequently, more and more hospitals and screening centers throughout Asia have chosen to rely on Samyoung Unitech products for their nuclear medicine needs.
Samyoung Unitech is constantly looking for new ways to improve our business practices, partnerships and products to emerge as a leading global corporation that offers unsurpassed quality and price.
“The most important thing for us is to do our best for the time, work, and people we face now.” Based on the management philosophy, we are promoting continuous R&D and technological alliances to grow as a leader in each business field. We are also focusing on pioneering, and we will always strive to become a company that impresses our customers based on our accumulated experience and technology.
Kyungil JungChairman Samyoung Unitech Co., Ltd.